April 2020.
I’m lying on the floor in my mother’s house, totally exhausted from a job I hate and pulling oracles cards as if they could give me some kind of direction for my life.

Stephanie Swail, Founder of Soul Study
I was at the end of my rope and it wasn’t the oracle card that gave me direction.
It was an inner voice.
For the record, this is a true story, as true as it gets. It’s also a reminder to always follow your calling, no matter what.
Just moments before I had asked the Universe, “Please show me my purpose. What am I meant to do with my life? What am I here for?”
This inner voice said, “Do what you know how to do. You know how to bring people together. Do it again. And now, people need it more than ever.”
I remembered the community, Tribe, that I had created just a few years before when I lived in Peru – it was a space for women to connect and grow in mind, body and spirit and we all quickly went from strangers to a tight-knit family.
This time around I was being called to create something much bigger than I could have ever imagined.
I had no idea what it would become, all I knew is that I needed to put out the call to gather.
Within days, I quit my job which was my main source of income and started getting back into coaching again (online). I reached out to my 1:1 coaching clients I had at the time, as well as friends and family on social media, telling them I had an idea and asking if they’d be interested in joining a women’s circle.
12 women said yes.
The day of the call arrived and all of a sudden I got really nervous and started doubting my ability to ACTUALLY do this.
But then I remembered lying on the living room floor, desperate for direction and knowing that the answer to not only my calling, but to helping others on their path, was community.
I decided to trust my inner voice and I showed up to hold what would be Soul Study’s first-ever session.
All of my fears faded away once all the women signed onto the call and I saw how much they connected with each other and the topic of that session.
The energy was absolutely electric.
All of these women, complete strangers from ALL over the world, with so many different life stories… were connecting so deeply with one another.
When the session was over, they were all eager to know when our next call was going to be.
At that moment I knew… There is something here.
There is something so powerful about being witnessed in your own experiences/healing journey by other women and hearing their stories, and knowing you are not alone in it. That healing on your own is powerful, but doing it alongside other women within a sacred and safe place is life-changing.
I realized this is the thing I had always been longing for in my journey, as well. My whole life, I never had one place to call home, and this led me to feel like I had to walk through the healing and awakening path on my own.
If only I had had a community like this to support me in those times, I wouldn’t have felt so lost, alone and overwhelmed.
I knew I had to keep sharing this with more women.
What began as just me leading these impromptu women’s circles evolved into a global community of women, supported by six in-house facilitators.
Our facilitators are experts in a variety of fields related to personal transformation and healing and lead different events each month. We also bring in a special guest every month to cover a topic most requested by our members.
Since the beginning, Soul Study has grown to serve hundreds of women who are committed to becoming the best versions of themselves and supporting each other along the way.
This thing that once started in my mother’s living room has now evolved into a global movement.
This is for the women who are ready to step into their future self, now.