Hear it from the women inside our community

Joanna M
“Being a part of Soul Study is like finding a gem in the middle of a desert. For the first time in a long time, I'm not afraid to say what I think, to be who I am and to show the world my real self. It's the place where I have an opportunity to challenge my limiting beliefs, get out of my comfort zone and evolve with other beautiful women who are on the same journey. The strength of Soul Study is the community of supporting amazing women, who will always celebrate all of your, even the smallest, achievements. The amounts of subjects covered during the meetings in Soul Study is huge so I evolved in so many aspects of my life. I understand myself better, I communicate more effectively, I learn to set my boundaries and to take care of myself. I also find the journaling sessions the most magical events - not only you reflect on yourself, your core values, and you ask yourself eye-opening questions, but you also have a chance to connect with women from all around the world, you learn about their experiences, you can listen to their wisdom and grow. I'm forever grateful for being a part of such a beautiful community.”
Michelle B
“Signing on with Soul Study, may very well be the best decision I have ever made. I knew I wanted to heal, yet I didn’t know what that looked like, the first circle I was a part of was on forgiveness and immediately I knew I was in the right place when all my wondering ‘how to’ was being presented. The woman were so welcoming, there was zero judgment, and there was a feeling of love and compassion yet I had no personal tie to anyone in the group, yet.
Soul Study is where my soul has learned to heal, where I have been provided the tools and community to freely go through my journey alongside like-minded women from all over the world with many talents and gifts. I will forever be grateful to Stephanie, and when I think of things I appreciate manifesting in my life, soul study is definitely one of them, I am proud to be a soul member and I cannot wait to see what the future holds for us as a community”

Amina E
“I like cliches because they hold so much truth. For example, a smooth sea never made a skillful sailor. When it comes to Soul Study, I have not only understood that the path of healing isn't linear. I've embraced every twist, turn, peak and valley. The best part is I haven't done it alone. I get to do it as most authentic self and I am embraced in every way as I do so. In 2022 when I decided that I was going to start my healing journey I had no idea what was in store for me. Soul Study finding me, and I truly mean the universe sent an incredible group of women to me, has been such a blessing. I never leave a session without a wealth of knowledge or having learned something from someone. Every day there is always something from Soul Study that I can incorporate or apply to my life for myself or to help someone else in my life that I care for. From Soul Connect, to every Soul Seminar and all that happens in between. I am beyond grateful for my soul family the connections that are created in each space go beyond the moment and will last for a lifetime.”
Alyssa H
“When Soul Study found me, I had been looking around for ways to do the inner work completely on my own, and it was always very intimidating, and to be honest, it wasn't really happening. When I watched one of Steph’s classes, and how it was led and how everyone interacted, I knew that this was where I needed to be to do this kind of work. I know that, yes, this inner work journey is always up to me, but that having an amazing group of women to do it alongside was absolutely what I needed. I am so blessed and excited to continue my journey alongside the woman that are there and the ladies that are to join us in the future! It’s an amazing group of intelligent, caring and beautiful women from all walks of life!”

Nuzzy S
“I can’t believe how lucky I am to have found Soul Study. I’ve always felt out of place wherever I’ve gone until I found this space. I finally found like-minded people to who I feel a genuine connection to. My healing journey started a good while before I came across Soul Study however, I still felt very disconnected from myself. Becoming a Soul Study member has taught me so much about the healing journey and the importance of being in alignment with my mind and body. Soul Study has had a massive impact on my day-to-day life and has given me the push to go for my dream career. Soul Study is more than a community, it is a family that is judgment free and always there to support and help you. One thing I’ve learned in Soul Study is that the healing journey doesn’t have a destination. This lesson is one I will carry for the rest of my life and I am forever grateful for it.”
Ashley D
“Soul Study has been a big part of my life for the last couple of years. I started Soul Study when it was first created and I am so proud to watch it grow to what it has become today. I was looking for guidance and help navigating out of a toxic relationship. I gained so much more from Soul Study! It has helped me develop self-confidence, self-compassion and self-love.
I would not be where I am at in life without the knowledge I have gained from my sessions in Soul Study. I went from a dead-end relationship, not working and people-pleasing mindset to a confident single woman traveling the United States for a living. I would recommend Soul Study to any woman that feels lost, needs some guidance or just a little push to become the queen she deserves to become in her life.”

Molly S
“Soul Study is a beautiful community of like-minded women who are “doing the work”. It’s amazing what happens when you bring together powerful women. The support, fun and growth I’ve experienced in the few months I’ve had in soul study is never like anything I’ve seen before. There’s just something about being together vs doing the work alone. After years of reading the latest books on personal development - I knew I had to do something different. So I took the step to join and I’ve never looked back. My growth has taken leaps and bounds, and I’m grateful to be a soul member and be part of the community.”
Melanie R
“As a black woman and a mental health professional, it is imperative that the spaces that I spend the most time in are inclusive. I realize that this is a term that many groups, organizations, and companies are emphasizing more than ever, however, it’s becoming increasingly apparent that many don’t know what it means. In the soul study community, however, diversity of all types is not only accepted but celebrated and valued. As a member since 2020, I can attest to the fact that Steph is committed to providing a safe place for women to grow, connect, and heal at their own pace.
It is her hard work, commitment, passion, and authenticity that has allowed our community to grow. More women should join our community so that they can feel what it is like to be in a community where one is truly heard and seen. It’s so special to be able to fellowship with individuals who listen to you, hold space for you, comfort you, challenge you, and celebrate you. It feels great knowing that no matter if you are going through something that is spiritual related, job-related, health-related, or whatever the case may be, there are women that you can turn to for support. I am eternally grateful for the time that I get to spend with these amazing women”

Zoe H
“After taking part in the Soul Series workshop, I knew I had to sign up for Soul Study. I have never resonated with anything so much in my life and at that time was very lost and directionless. Soul Study came at the perfect time for me and I have no regrets about joining.
I have never felt as seen, safe and connected as I do being a part of this beautiful community of women. Soul Study has given me the boost and direction I needed in life. I am so grateful to have come across Soul Study and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for the community.”
Caitlin S
“Soul Study has been a life-changing community for me. I was seeking comfort, safety and vulnerability and that is just what I discovered. Each Soul study session has been so inspiring. My favorite Soul seminars are with movement, where we incorporate some type of yoga/breath work.
To me, it has been so important to heal my mind, body and my soul. I really feel that this community has done all three. Healing and growing have become a priority in my life and I am finally putting myself first. I have this whole community to thank for that and I am so grateful for each and every member. To the creator and beautiful mind behind it all, Steph, I cannot thank you enough!”

Alisa B
“I have been a part of Soul Study since day one and it feels like home now. Why? Because there are no masks (pun intended), no performance, no acting, no trying, no pretending, you come as you are and you will be welcomed as you are. Not only welcomed but cherished, appreciated and encouraged. Cherished for the contributions you make, the wisdom that is already inside you and the experiences you already had. Appreciated for the ways you show up, the struggles and insecurities you have the courage to share. Encouraged to believe that you are worthy of all the beautiful things life has to offer and that you are capable to anything that you are called to. Come as you are and be home.”
Shanica P
“Becoming part of Soul Study was an amazing experience for me. I followed Soul Study on IG and often connected with topics and discussions. I found Soul Study at a point in my life when I felt like I just couldn't grasp my life purpose and the direction I wanted for my life. I joined Soul Study through an access pass and the impact has been phenomenal. I have gained so much golden wisdom, I have gained a community of loving resourceful women that protect your inner child. I feel comfortable and authentic, I can let my walls and guards down and fully live in the moment in each soul seminar for that I am grateful. I cannot wait to nourish my soul more along on this journey.”

Ashley B
“I found Steph on Instagram and was part of her Devotion program. I enjoyed what the program was about and seeing the offer for Soul Study I decided to give it a try. The amount of support and love from the women in the group is so amazing. I find when I am struggling I can share with the community and the outpour of love and support is so fantastic and helpful. The best part, is the women are from all over the world and the advice is so helpful. So many amazing women that just want to light others up. The Soul seminars have been great from what I have been able to be a part of, they are intimate and full of support to grow and heal. I am grateful to be a member of Soul Study.”
Sara D
“Becoming part of Soul Study was one of the best and easiest decisions I've made, it gave me a space to really be myself to speak my truth in a non-judgemental, safe space. Each session leaves you feeling incredible like you’re glowing from the inside out. From Soul Seminars to Soul Circles it's just filled with the most incredible people with amazing stories. You feel safe to learn, grow and heal surrounded by women from all over the world just holding space for one another. Soul Study is a community of people helping empower one another, to put simply it's life-changing and I am so grateful to be apart of it .”

Yahira T
“Soul Study has been a great community to tap into when I need a pick me up. They have provided great opportunities to connect with women worldwide who have a similar self-improvement mindset. I have been enjoying the space that has been created to speak freely about my feelings and thoughts. As a person who has gone through breast cancer, I knew that I needed to make myself a priority. Not only am I working on myself physically, but the mental part is so important. Soul Study has given me the tools to do that. I appreciate all the Soul Study has to offer and look forward to connecting and growing.”
Liana M
“I am so grateful to be part of this amazing community of women. Stephanie is incredibly knowledgeable in her work and she has taught me the importance of living authentically. I am now following my passion and living out my purpose because of this wonderfully supportive group of women called Soul Study. I have gained self-awareness throughout my involvement in this community and so much knowledge in the human condition.
I have learned that we are all on different roads/paths but we share the same street and that is such a beautiful thing about being human. I love that Soul Study is so diverse and I enjoy connecting with these amazing women from all over the world! And most of all, I have learned that it is okay to feel, be seen, and be heard. I’m so happy that I have found a space where I can be vulnerable without feeling judged. Thank you Soul Study! I am so grateful to have met you. You have saved my mental health.”

Briana V
“Soul Study has been one of the best things I have done for myself and my healing journey. I was a couple of months into my sobriety journey where I was finally discovering who I really was and trying to heal years and years of trauma and I was doing it alone when the Universe sent me Steph.
Within the first experience with Steph and Soul Study, I knew this was where I was supposed to be. Steph creates such a safe space for each and every woman that step into Soul Study and helps guide, teach, push, listen, and connect each person to grow and heal so that they can be the best divine human being that they can be. Being a part of this community has been my saving grace.
To know that I have an amazing group of women from all over the world who all want to connect, grow, and heal not only themselves but others is what keeps me going even when things get hard. If you are seeking a group of women to connect within a safe and supportive community where you can grow and evolve to your highest, divine self, then Soul Study is here for you!”
Rihannon D
“It's a space where we skip the small talk and dive right into the messiness of our healing process. The topics are us and our lives, it's a space where you get to show up and know REAL things about people, not just things that pertain to the one thing you have in common. The unifying thread between us all is that we are all doing the work of discovering & healing, and doing it together. Try it. Even if it’s not your thing, you'll meet some amazing women, and think about some things you haven't thought of in a while, and nothing but good can come from that."

Sophia L
“I’ve had the privilege to be a part of Soul Study since the beginning and I am so grateful to have found it. Stephanie is a truly inspirational woman and coach covering topics in each session that you perhaps didn’t think were so relevant to your own life until you heard about them. Soul Study is my weekly grounding, my self-check-in and the opportunity to connect with a community of beautiful and inspiring souls from across the World. Everyone is extremely welcoming and supportive and you always find yourself learning something from others to take away from each session. If you are thinking about joining, do it! You cannot find more of a safe and supportive space than Soul Study”
Melanie S
“I want to start off by saying meeting Stephanie has impacted my life more than I can put into words. Before I had the chance to join Soul Study I was struggling with not understanding certain behaviours I would go through. Steph always took so much time to listen to me rant on and on she left open space to hear me and never judge. I would recommend just trying out 1 session with Soul Study, it helps guide you in the direction you truly want to be moving forward in. Not only is Soul Study great for deeper work but also the group meetings they hold you get to meet so many different people from all over the world. Speaking and understanding that everyone is struggling with their own situations but they are all there to support you as well. Stephanie is not only a life coach and founder of Soul Study, but she is now a new friend in my life. I appreciate that life has brought her into my life!”

Sumaya A
“Becoming part of Soul Study was one of the best decisions I’ve made this year. I have been following Soul Study on IG for a while now and have resonated with all the content that is shared and posted. I love the feeling that Soul Study provides, a feeling of safety, non-judgement, and connection. I have enjoyed the different events where I have been able to connect with like-minded individuals from all over the world who are all on a journey of healing and spiritual growth. I have been looking for a community where I feel connected, safe, and heard and Soul Study provides all of that and more. I am so grateful to be a Soul Member and excited to see more of what Soul Study will provide.”
Irina C
“Soul Study is going to change your life if you are willing to do the work! My life is completely different than if was 2 years ago when I started and I am still learning so much from these amazing women. The topics that are explored are very diverse (spiritual, business, relationship, body, money, self-love, etc) so it will help you grow and heal every aspect of your life. Several women have now become friends and support each other on this journey, making it easier and more fun. Soul Study feels like a safe space: never felt judged, ashamed, or criticized for where I was in my journey. It's quite humbling to see a group of women empowering each other, being kind to each other, helping through tough times - while we are spread across the globe and come from different cultures and backgrounds.”

Cassandra H
“I joined Soul Study a while ago and really enjoyed the community and content. I could feel the change within myself. I was more self-aware, and confident and just overall felt safer with myself. I stopped my membership due to financial reasons and after a year without Soul Study, I truly realize that I need to make my self-growth a priority. I really enjoy how Soul Study has multiple events during the course of the month. And If I can't make one I have the whole session available to replay at a time that is convenient for me. Soul Study may have people all over the world connected but it has a small-town feel. Everyone is really nice, welcoming and open-minded. It truly feels like a safe space to open up about things I may be going through. You won't regret joining- investing in yourself is worth the price.”
Molly R
“Joining Soul study was probably one of the best things I did for myself - I invested in my own worth and not only gained valuable lessons, but I also gained a family of women! I actually have a sense of self now and more confidence in myself and what I am capable of doing, also do things solo which would have never been the case before. Soul Study attracts beautiful souls; it’s not judgemental, you can speak freely and know that space will be held and comfort will be given. The bond is nearly instant and sharing that common goal of self-development and healing makes the world feel a little less lonely! I honestly could not have asked for a better community to be on this journey with!”

Soul Study Member
(kept anonymous for privacy reasons)
“I have been a member of the community for only a few months, but I've noticed how I feel that support of Soul Study generally in my life. It has brought to me a sense of stability in my life, knowing that there are regular live events and various options to connect and chat with other members or facilitators. I'm unable to take part in every single aspect of the community but I feel the safety of knowing it is a commitment that I have made, not just to the community but to myself and my daughter - I want to be the best version of myself so that my daughter can learn the importance of these things also. I honour and allow myself to embrace the introverted person I am but it feels so good to be connected in a community where I can learn and grow yet accept myself at the same time. Soul study is very different from what's currently offered. There is a feeling of genuineness from the facilitators and it trickles down to members, creating safety and a feeling of Soul nourishment. The variety of facilitators is amazing because you can choose what type of teaching your soul needs to hear at a certain time, what type of connection or what topic. Body, mind, spirit, and soul are all valued here. You are worthy of giving yourself the opportunity to try a community different to what you've tried before. There is integrity within the group, with flexibility and growth. There is no shaming tactics here. Your voice will be heard and you can feel safe here.”